Philippe Michon

Can the sea be part of the future of packaging ?

Philippe Michon is co-founder with Philippe Lavoisier in 2016  of the company Eranova.   Eranova hold patents for bio based products sourced from stranded green algae. 

The company is the 2017 PIA ADEME and is installing its facilities near Marseille for production of generation 3 of bioplastics. The company is labelled by Solar Impulse foundation in 2020

Philippe Michon is an engineer, expert at  AFNOR, CEN on plastic, composting, biodegradation themes since 2007.

Founder in 2006 of the company Alternative Plastics it represents the British company Symphony Environmental specialised in antibacterial additives and biodegradable structures.

Biobased plastics are presented as the packaging of the future. What bio mass should be used ?
the LCA of existing proposed  bio based material is not positive .

In that context Algae is presented as a  promising resource

  • What to expect from that resource ?

Companies have to modify their practices, driven by customer,legislator,manufacturer and costs   .

  • Recyclable,biobased,compostable packaging  ?
  • The marketing claim should be compatible with sustainability .
  • The session will explore the options compatible with the current recommendation from the legislator.  .